

“I talk with my eyes and live with my heart.”

My name is Laura Anna Salmen, born in 1988 in Austria, with Romanian roots on my father’s side.
I live and work in Switzerland since 2014.

AMALA is my Sanskrit name (Old Indian).

My main job is employed by an innovative specialist in photovoltaic solutions for commercial and industrial customers. The vision is to meet the world’s increasing energy consumption in a responsible, environmentally sustainable, socially responsible and economical way. A philosophy I share from the heart. There I also benefit from yoga, meditation and pranayama to support my superiors and colleagues with serenity, a clear head and precise work. To recognize needs and pursue the common goal.

The rest of the time I prefer to spend in nature. High up on the mountains, enjoying the vastness of the water and the homely scent of the forest.


In 2018 I decided to take a break from my life and travelled to Thailand to complete my yoga training with Marina Frei, in Krabi.

At first, my goal was to improve my yoga practice but already during the training I realized that I had to share the treasure I had received with the world and I wanted to pass it on to as many people as possible. I want to support people to find themselves, to heal themselves and to gain consciousness.

On this way I also learned that for everyone life consists of ups and downs. My yoga teacher Aylin Karadayi always used to say “it depends on how quickly you can get up again” and this view has changed my life. With the help of yoga, pranayama, meditation, reiki and with the support of nature in the form of essential oils, I have learned to process what I have experienced, to get up quickly again and to achieve well-being.

For this reason I practice Yoga and I want to pass this on.

I am a certified Katonah Yoga® teacher, Hatha Yogateacher, Kundalini Yogateacher and Kids Yogateacher:

  • 200 hour Katonah Yoga ® Teachertraining by Katonahyogacenter (www.katonahyoga.com)
  • 200 hour Kundalini Yoga Teachertraining with Madhavi Guemoes
  • 200 hour Hatha Yoga Teachertraining with Marina Frei
  • Kids Yogateachertraining with Claudia Rühle

What does AMALA mean?

Amala = a spiritual name from Sanskrit (Old Indian language) and means “the one who is free from impurity”.

After the ceremony of my yoga training, my yoga teacher, Marina Frei, gave me this name matching my personality. I experienced this ceremony as a rebirth, where I found myself again.

The name reflects me in in a way that I always see the pure, clear person in front of me and form a picture for myself without prejudices. I feel most comfortable when surrounded by purity, clarity and brightness. Then I can fully develop myself.

Amala is also a fruit that leads to purity and is used for purification. The fruit also has a healing effect, which encourages me to use this ability to help people to heal themselves.

Do you want to know more about me and what I can offer you?